You have until June 1st, 2024 to purchase this Bundle for only $197!

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Imagine Having The Most UNCOMPLICATED Launch in 2024
(and have fun with your marketing as a bonus!) 
This Bundle will help get you there!

Five and Six-Figure launches look easy from the outside, but so many puzzle pieces go on behind the scenes to make launching uncomplicated and fun. And if you don't have a team working for you and you're doing it all on your own, you most likely want a more streamlined launch.

Every Launch, big or small, is made
up of hundreds of intentional puzzle pieces (and honestly it can ALL feel overwhelming if you are navigating these Launching waters all by yourself). I want to help you rock your very first (or next) digital product or service launch to impact 2024 (and Beyond!!!) 
You’ve tried to figure this all out on your own, but you just can't quite put all the pieces together. It feels like you've tried everything... 

 The thing is, most business owners don’t even know what those puzzle pieces are (or mean) or have any idea how to make each piece work together. 

And there’s supposed to be a strategy connecting it all?! Too much! 
That’s where I come in. As your Systems & Workflow BFF, I want to help you look at your end goal – to relaunch an existing offer or launch a new service or product – and work backward to map out a clear, effective plan to get you exactly where you want to go. 

 But I can't do this alone, so that's why I've invited over 30 of my industry-expert business peers who are going to help guide you in crafting a launch that works for you!
This is your moment.
You're ready to take the next step!
The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle: The Launch Edition

It's time to go from Scattered To Streamlined and understand The Backend Puzzle Pieces of Launching (*YES EVEN AS A TEAM OF ONE!)

A collection of exclusive (launch-related) resources designed to help business owners START and IMPLEMENT (or take baby steps to implement launching) in their business so that they can add launching to their marketing plans in 2024 (and beyond)!
Here's what past Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle Purchasers Have Had To Say
(this is why this is the 4th edition-it's a very popular systems & workflow-related bundle)!
The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle:
The Launch Edition was created to put our (the contributor's) combined expert skills to work for you!

01 Holistic Viewpoint of Launching

You are going to learn the foundations and puzzle pieces (aka the systems and workflows) of launching and this amazing education can help you understand a more holistic view of what puzzle pieces you could be working on first when it comes to planning out your first (or next) launch!

02 Over 30+ various launching related resources!

This Bundle features over 30 different contributors who are contributing different resources that speak to the different aspects of launching! (Plus, did I mention it's over $3700+ of launching resources)! 

03 This is a no-fluff Bundle

You will learn the value of all the different puzzle pieces that go into the systems and workflows of Launching. Plus, in addition to this Bundle, each contributor has a resource that will correspond with a certain phase of launching! You will walk away with action steps and walk away with knowledge of what to do immediately. Like I said, this is a no fluff Bundle.
To sum it all up, this bundle is about to impact the way you market AND launch in 2024!

So what are you waiting for friend?

Take a peek at the various components & puzzle pieces of this Launch Bundle!

You'll learn some 

pre-launch puzzle pieces to think through as you map out your first (or next) launch! 

You'll learn about the actual launch 

(aka the open-cart and what that entails)

You'll learn about the post-launch phase and all the puzzle pieces you should put into place (Data!!!)

Fact: not every launch is the same (you are going to learn quickly there isn't a one-size-fits-all launch)

You have so many different strategies to choose from in this resource-packed bundle!

It's time to truly focus on the strategies of launching and how to apply them to YOUR specific business. No more blinking cursor, no more headaches about what to write in certain phases of the launch, and no more frustration with absolute chaos when it comes to promoting your services or products. 

 No more feelings of dread when it comes to knowing where to begin when it comes to launching- you're going to understand the value of having a well-thought-out launch plan (that fits YOUR business)!

Let’s get you some tangible Launch education in 2024
Here are the 3 steps you should take now:
Step 1: Read over all the details of the bundle (see if it's a good fit)!
Step 2: Purchase the Bundle (and you have until August 1st, 2024 to access ALL the resources within the Bundle)
Step 3: Grow in knowledge & insight about launching and understand how to apply it to YOUR business!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much is this bundle & can I be refunded?
    If you are on this page it is $197 until June 1st, 2024. Yes, it was originally for $97 from Feb 5th to Feb. 9th, 2024 as part of the promo period for the Launch Bundle.

    Since this is a digital product purchase you are getting $3600+ of products for only $197. All Sales Are FINAL.

    Please do not be a jerk and ask for a refund after getting access to everything. That is rude and you are cheating over 30+ contributors of their hard-earned resources!

    It has over $3600+ worth of resources all centered around the topic of launching and is a one-of-kind bundle filled with experts who want to help you understand the backend puzzle pieces of launching!

    The price WILL go up to $197 starting Feb. 10th, 2024 and then the Bundle will go away by June 1st, 2024!
  • What are the Contributor's Copyrights?
    All materials, documents, posts/comments/replies, emails, blogs, digital files, paper documents, and any other work created by The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle: The Launch Edition about this Bundle is the exclusive and sole property of each collaborator and is protected by United States Copyright Laws (USC Title 17). You agree that The Systems & Workflow Magic Bundle's content is not to be used for purposes beyond your implementation.
  • How can I access the Bundle?
    You have from Feb. 5th, 2024 to Feb. 9th, 2024 to purchase the bundle at the price of $97)

    AFTER Feb. 10th, 2024 the price WILL go up to $197 until June 1st, 2024 (then it goes away forever)

    Once you purchase this bundle you will be sent login details from Thrivecart Learn.

    If you purchase the Bundle you will have ongoing access and the resources will be in Thrivecart. But you must download/access each resource BY August 1st, 2024 (then you have ongoing access to the resources you downloaded)
  • What to expect from this Bundle?
    Expect to learn the foundations, systems/workflows, and backend puzzle pieces of launching from industry experts who have done the dang thing of launching their products and services (or they teach on launching)!

    This is a no-fluff Bundle. We want you to walk away with tangible strategies and tips to apply to your business, no matter where you are in your business journey.

    The ultimate goal is to help break down the systems and workflows (the puzzle pieces) of launching either a digital product or a service so it's more tangible and easy to digest so that you can apply it to your business!
  • What is included in This Launch Bundle?
    -Ultimate Launch Bundle ($297)
    -2024 Yearly Wall Calendar ($12)
    -A Year in Preview ($197)
    -Evergreen Express ($9)
    -Launch Automations Rx ($47)
    -The Pre-Launch POWER Primer ($199)
    -FunnelerPro ($497)
    -Emails That Sell ($97)
    -The Ultimate Launch Tracker ($37)
    -The Launch Sales Calculator & ChatGPT Launch Prompt Catalog ($97)
    -The Launch Copy Library ($297)
    -GA4 Launch Checklist ($27)
    -Pre-Launch Inspo: How to Create and Deliver Pre-Launch Content that Ignites Sales ($97)
    -The Simplified Content System ($47)
    -Using Dubsado to Deliver Your Digital Products($197)
    -ThriveCart Sales Page ($197)
    -Masterclass Magic Course ($49)
    -The Launch Plan Marketing Tool ($147)
    -Trust Factor: Testimonials that Inspire Confidence and Drive Sales ($97)
    -Simple Launch System in Notion ($105)
    -Abandoned Cart Workshop ($47)
    -Launch Project Planning Template ($149)
    -SELL ($197)
    -Welcome Sequence Templates ($97)
    -Multiple Six-Figure Sales Page Copy Template ($37)
    -The Ultimate Guide for Low Energy Content Creators ($27)
    -Webinars That Sell ($150)
    -Launch Instagram Content Calendar ($97)
    -How to do a post-launch Analysis($19)
    -Launch KPIs to track ($19)
    -How To Use Dubsado As A Podcast Host (launch tips using a CRM) ($67)
  • How will you help keep me accountable?
    This is a great question! The last thing you want to do is let this bundle "collect digital dust". I (Dolly DeLong) will be emailing the purchasers of this bundle at least 2 times to remind you about the August 1st, 2024 deadline to access everything from the Bundle.

    The Trello board organizer which comes as a bonus bump offer with this bundle was also created to help you keep everything organized and streamlined so you know what courses you are working on!

Hey there!

I'm Dolly, and it's nice to meet you!

I'm a solopreneur, just like many of you. And I quickly learned that if I wanted to run a successful business (or two!) all on my own... I needed to figure out how to save time and automate as much as possible!

 Breaking down the magic of systems, workflows, and SOPS is my superpower. As the host of the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast,  I decided to create a solution called "The Systems and Workflow Magic Bundle" to make systems more approachable.  This is the fourth year leading this systems bundle and I am pumped for you to start digging into some launching-related systems and workflows! 
From, Your Systems & Workflow BFF!

Are you ready to plan out your first (or next) Launch?   

let's do this!

  • Customer
  • Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Let's organize this entire Bundle for you with
"My Bundle Launch Action Plan Trello Board"

Yours for only $9! 
This Trello board was created to help you organize and streamline ALL of the resources that come within this Bundle. 

️You can organize which courses/templates you are currently consuming.
️You can organize all of the usernames/passwords in one place.
️You can organize the resources you receive from every contributor on this one board. 

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSWFM Bundle Launch Edition 197$197

All prices in USD